With many Bay Area businesses and residents telecommunicating, increased network traffic and bandwidth issues are inevitable. In turn, this can create business continuity and productivity challenges. To help alleviate this, PAXIO will be offering its current business and residential customers a 3-month, free 1-Gigabit internet upgrade. This free upgrade will help avoid network bandwidth issues for those working remotely due to COVID-19 concerns.

“At PAXIO, we understand that these are uncertain times, and that many of our customers need to expand telecommuting capacity for employees or to telecommute from home to help combat COVID-19.” said Philip Clark, President of PAXIO. “The best thing we can do to help our clients is providing extra bandwidth at no cost to support them in these difficult times.”

“With students being home for remote learning, add in videoconferencing for remote workers, and other streaming platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and YouTube, the pressure on your network grows significantly,” said Nelson Martinez, General Manager of PAXIO. “We want to do our part in helping our customer community.”

To take advantage of the free upgrade, customers should contact PAXIO Client Services at clientservices@paxio.com.

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