Acceptable Use & Privacy Policy

By opening an account with PAXIO, the customer agrees to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy of PAXIO. This Policy applies to all users of PAXIO without exception; failure to adhere to the stated Policy may result in termination of the account at the sole discretion of PAXIO. PAXIO reserves the right to change policies, services, and pricing. The continued use of an account and services signifies acceptance of any and all policies and Policy changes. PAXIO reserves the right to refuse to provide service to anyone.


PAXIO makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. PAXIO will not be held responsible for any damage suffered from use of an account or service provided by PAXIO unless otherwise agreed to in writing. This includes, but not limited to, equipment damage, failure or loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the company’s negligence or the customers negligence or misuse. 


PAXIO is committed to preserving the privacy of its customers and protecting their personal data. PAXIO does not actively monitor customer use of the Internet, customer email or other customer communications in the course of its regular operations. PAXIO keeps information about its customers such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and details about PAXIO services used by the customer. All such information is considered private. PAXIO also keeps logs of limited technical information pertaining to matters such as customer connectivity and billing information. These logs are retained on a temporary basis in order to ensure high-quality service, and no logs are kept indefinitely. The only circumstances wherein PAXIO will disclose any of the above mentioned information to a third party are:

In the event that we receive a legitimate, legally mandated request by way of legal warrant from an authorized law enforcement agency for customer information. PAXIO will respond only within the narrow scope of that request.

PAXIO will not otherwise disclose any private information about its customers to any other third party.

PAXIO, Inc. Acceptable Use Policy

Any prohibited or illegal activity that affects PAXIO, its agents, equipment, or customers will be punishable to the full extent of the law, and PAXIO will hold the customer responsible for any damage caused by their actions. Any other use of an account other than as outlined in this Acceptable Use Policy is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law if done so illegally. PAXIO makes no exceptions in enforcing this Policy. PAXIO functions as a common carrier; our standard Policy is to not monitor or interrupt our users’ activities, exert editorial control over their content, or censor them or their content. To protect the interests of PAXIO and in the best interests of our customers, there are no exceptions to this Policy except may be made under certain specific circumstances including but not limited to the following:

Illegal activities include but not limited to:

  • Attempts to hack the PAXIO network or any other network or systems
  • Port scanning
  • Use of ‘cracking’ software or techniques
  • Dissemination of viruses or malware
  • Provocation of attacks on the PAXIO, Inc. network or any other network
  • Conduct which causes PAXIO, Inc. to be blocked by another provider or which causes PAXIO, Inc. to be placed on a “block list”
  • Flooding PAXIO, Inc. or any other network with traffic for the purpose of disrupting service
  • Mail bombing
  • Resale of PAXIO services, directly or indirectly, without express written consent from PAXIO. This includes sale of Wi-Fi access or any off-premises access to services.
  • Operation of servers for commercial purposes by non-Enterprise customers. Note that it is acceptable to use servers for private or personal use (such as servers to access content in your home and applications that have server capabilities such as multiplayer gaming) and for small business customers to operate private (in-profile) servers for business purposes.

The law requires PAXIO to report any criminal activity that it becomes aware of to the appropriate authorities. It is the responsibility of the account owner/customer to be familiar with current laws and regulations.


PAXIO is proud to provide personal support from a knowledgeable, friendly, and local support team. PAXIO support agents approach all interactions with respect and patience, and we ask that our customers do the same. Abuse or harassment of support agents will not be tolerated and will be subject to termination of service.

Use of copyrighted material

PAXIO is obligated to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). All web pages are subject to copyright law, and members are responsible for the content in their file space. Use of the World Wide Web, FTP, Newsgroups or any other services provided by PAXIO to transfer copyrighted material in violation of applicable laws is prohibited and may result in termination of your PAXIO account.

Access to content

PAXIO functions as a common carrier and does not censor. Material can be found on the Internet, web newsgroups, etc., that some viewers may find objectionable; PAXIO is not responsible for any content available via PAXIO accounts or services. Any limitation of access to content is at all times the responsibility of the account holder / customer and PAXIO shall not be held responsible for access to material that an account holder / customer deems inappropriate. We suggest that minors be supervised.


The owner of any type of PAXIO account or service will be held responsible for any abuse of that account or service, regardless of whether the owner was the actual initiator of the abuse.

Enforcement and remedy

Violation of any terms set forth in this Policy may result in one or more of the following, at the discretion of PAXIO:

  • Issuance of a warning
  • Temporary suspension of service
  • Billing to defray administrative costs incurred
  • Termination of your services, account or accounts
  • Legal action

If any activities or security problems involving a PAXIO, Inc. account or PAXIO, Inc. customer’s services cause network outages, the owner of the account or service will be billed for network down-time. Any account owner whose account is terminated for violation of the terms set forth in this Policy will be required to pay any outstanding balances due, including any and all early termination fees. In instances where it is necessary to terminate a customer’s account, an administrative disconnect fee may also be applied. PAXIO will normally attempt to contact any user in violation of this Policy before taking action but depending on the circumstances or the severity of the violation action may be taken without prior notification. In this case, the user will be notified as soon as it is practicable.